An Explanation of ORA™ Enhancements with Turner Batdorf
"Is ORA™ an accurate reflection of why a prospect is choosing to tour one property over another? At the end of the day, that’s what the ORA™ score is supposed to indicate”
Recently released ORA™ scores resulted in many property managers feeling surprised and confused by a change in their score. Turner Batdorf explains why the changes were made and chats with Mindy Price about the new enhancements to how ORA™ is calculated that resulted in these changes. In addition to the traditional data derived through star ratings, J Turner Research has added three new factors to enhance data.
The first augmentation is recency of reviews, which looks at a property’s consistency and trend of star ratings over the last six months. The second enhancement is adjustment of review sites, which considers the skewing of ratings on certain sites in order to determine a property’s true star rating. And the third augmentation is disparity of review sites, which is a complex analysis that rewards properties with reviews on multiple sites where the star ratings are consistent. Turner explains the reasoning for each of these enhancements and how they help craft a more complete picture of how a given community is performing.
Turner and Mindy wrap up by advising how companies can use ORA™ information to help attract and retain residents. They note that there is no magic solution—as always, hard work, focus on one’s reputation and dedication are what lead to results. But managers can ask for reviews from residents in order to increase their consistency of reviews, and they can look at data points in order to determine where to focus growth efforts. All of this should add up to a focus on resident satisfaction and an understanding of what prospects wish to see online.