Building Connectivity between Suppliers and Managers with Angi Pusateri Downey

October 1, 2024
Behind the data of what contributes to a robust multifamily community are the people who use their passions to bring about success. Angi Pusateri Downey’s role is on the supplier side of the industry, but her focus is always bridging any gap to work with owner-operators and understand the connectivity between them. Listen in to hear her perspective on the importance of involvement in associations and working across the industry to grow.
 Building Connectivity between Suppliers and Managers with Angi Pusateri Downey
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"We all need to rely on each other—and do rely on each other—to build out a stronger industry.”

In this episode, Mindy Price chats with Angi Pusateri Downey about her leadership roles with a supplier focus in the industry. Angi recognizes how much the industry has given her and her family—her father was Tony Pusateri, and she met her husband, Kirk Downey, through their work. She notes that while her father certainly had an influence in getting her involved in the business, it was the relationships she built with others through networking and involvement that truly launched her career.

Angi’s favorite aspect of her work is what a dynamic industry this is and the incredible potential it holds for relationship-building. She would emphasize with the next generation of leaders the importance of getting involved in state and local apartment associations in order to share best practices and get to know the people behind the data. By focusing on the human factor of the job, she notes how people can work as a team to understand any data collected and take action to build upon strengths and opportunities to ultimately affect people.

Finally, Angi reflects on her year as chairman of NAA’s National Suppliers Council. She felt inspired by leading a group of people who have such a passion for making the industry as a whole better, and she notes the importance of building connections between suppliers, executives, and managers to understand each other’s perspectives. She also offers career advice for those seeking a path such as hers, noting that the multifamily industry offers vast and deep opportunities to advance and pursue one’s particular passions.

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