Summit Sessions Dismantling Lies and Finding Fulfillment in Work with Marcus Buckingham

October 1, 2024
In his bookNine Lies About Work, Marcus Buckingham sheds light on certain beliefs that may hold people back from true fulfillment in their careers. He discusses some of these lies and offers his perspective on mindset shifts that can help us find meaning in our own work, as well as enhance the satisfaction of those we work alongside. Listen in as he offers his advice to multifamily insiders for reinvigorating their business.
 Summit Sessions Dismantling Lies and Finding Fulfillment in Work with Marcus Buckingham
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"The more authentically you can bring meaning into the lives of the people who work for you, the more you will deserve those great people.”

In this episode, Mindy Price chats with Marcus Buckingham, keynote speaker at the J Turner Research Summit 2021, about his book Nine Lies About Work. Marcus’s favorite lie is that the work/life balance matters most, when in reality what matters most is finding joy and love from what you do each day. He believes the hardest lie for people to grasp is the lie that people need feedback when what they really need is attention and praise.

Marcus next reflects on the best decision he’s made that helped to advance his career. He explains that his decision to not give up after having nineteen book proposals rejected led him to write a twentieth, which became his first book. He also shares two points he hopes listeners will take away, including his desire that we all become increasingly intelligent consumers of data and that we always structure our business to embrace human uniqueness.

Finally, Marcus ends by offering his advice for multifamily leaders. He notes that we are fortunate to be in an industry that’s core purpose is to provide something that everyone wants: the sense of home and community. He urges leaders to help their employees to find meaning in their work, because that’s how you will invigorate your business and attract the best people in today’s labor market.

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