To talk to your residents, you have to know where they are. Insights into where residents are spending their time online will influence your marketing and community outreach messaging.
Facebook Rules!
Facebook, at 77%, continues to be the most frequently used social media channel across all generations, followed by Instagram at 28%, and LinkedIn at 17%. 14% of residents do not use any social media channels.
Take Notice of Instagram and LinkedIn
Baby Boomers and Millennials differ in selecting their second most widely used social media platform. While 23% of Baby Boomers use LinkedIn, 40% of Millennials use Instagram. Nearly a quarter (24%) of Baby Boomers do not use any social media channel.
Facebook and Twitter's Role in Apartment Search - Not much!
Does social media play a significant role in apartment search? Not really. Only 13% of residents mentioned using Facebook or Twitter to research their current apartment.
Though the usage of Facebook and Twitter for apartment search has almost tripled since 2012, still they do not hold much significance compared to other channels. However, if the growth continues, we will see that begin to change. Until then, continue using social media to reach out to your current residents!
Marketing to Different Generations: Emerging Online, Language, and Lifestyle Trends, an extensive national research project by J Turner Research in partnership with Multifamily Executive . With 25,099 responses, the study drew participation from 18 companies and more than 500 properties. In a series of emails, we will share "Weekly Facts" from this study.