It’s all in the data: Connecting reputation to revenue in multifamily

Sep 1, 2021 by Priyanka Agarwal

JTURNER - 2021 SUMMIT - Rich Hughes

“A satisfied customer is the best business strategy.”
- Business author Michael LeBouf

Among the nation’s top data experts in the multifamily industry, Rich Hughes understands the quite real and measurable impact that online reputation has on a company’s bottom line. As a senior vice president of data science at RealPage, Hughes mines and analyzes data and guides business leaders in data-based recommendations that can improve company performance.

Hughes is a featured speaker during the 2021 J Turner Research Summit, scheduled Dec. 12-14 in Scottsdale, Ariz. There, he will take participants on a deep dive of findings from a robust three-year study by RealPage and J Turner about the association between better reputations and greater financial returns.

Participants will examine several mechanisms a company can take now to impact ORA™—and potentially grow value across a multifamily portfolio. “Taking the time to maintain and, even, improve your reputation is an incredibly cost-effective way to enhance a property’s bottom line,” Hughes said.

Prior to nearly a decade with RealPage, Hughes served apartment owner/operators AMLI and Archstone for ten years, experiencing firsthand the challenges and opportunities related to multifamily properties and revenue management. He believes today’s winners in complex, asset-intensive, service-based industries have discovered an operational trifecta: over-delivering on promises while keeping the operation streamlined and affordable.

One method is to embrace and capitalize on what the pandemic accelerated – the digitalization of the multifamily industry. “Ensure that your leasing processes accommodate a great digital experience, and your residents have a digitally enabled living experience.”

Join us for what promises to be an informative and valuable session you won’t want to miss.

For more information on the Summit visit:


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